Ambushing Ourselves
Anger can be a trap that engulfs us if we don’t deal with it. Sometimes, when we are angry, we do foolish things like try to get revenge or mistreat others. Some people even resort to violence because of their anger at what life brings them. During such times, it is tempting to keep company with people who act foolishly and are intent on doing wrong, even hurtful things. Sometimes, we identify with them or share their outlook. We may even want to do others harm as an expression of our own frustration. Here’s a bit of wisdom that might help you:
Those who do evil set a trap for their own lives. At first, it may seem satisfying. But the end result of such things is always bad.
You have a choice in life. You can live a life of wisdom, pursuing the things that make for peace and honor, or you can take out your frustrations on others and have to deal with the bad consequences. What path do you want to choose?
You can have wisdom for a better life than what you may be experiencing right now. Learn more about that better life by clicking below from your friends at TheBetter.FM.