As you set out for a life on your own, how do you know what should be the priority of your life? Is your priority education—getting a degree? Is your priority a relationship or getting a wife? Is your priority to be financially secure or to become rich?
There are many opportunities that life offers that can help you have a good life. But there is one thing you can get that will impact all of these other things. Consider this saying of wisdom:
Getting wisdom is so important because wisdom affects every other things in life that we might want to pursue. How do you know what to study if you don’t have the wisdom to know? How do you know who to marry if you don’t know what’s important in a relationship? How do you know that riches won’t cause you heartache if you don’t have wisdom? Wisdom is supreme.
Learn more about the kind of wisdom that can make the most difference in your life. You can learn about that at the button below.