Finding WisdomFinding Wisdom
Wisdom is better than money. Some people think money is the answer to all their problems. But the wealthier one becomes, so does trouble. Wealth presents its own temptations.
Wisdom is better than money. Some people think money is the answer to all their problems. But the wealthier one becomes, so does trouble. Wealth presents its own temptations.
Love and faithfulness are unique. They are immaterial but prized more than any material thing. A man wants a faithful spouse. So, he himself must be faithful. Everyone wants love.
Think of all of the trouble you could have avoided if only you remembered your parent’s wisdom when you were younger. Our parents have been around for a long time
Exercising wisdom and discretion brings great benefits. It elevates our honor with others. And as it helps us, it can also give us influence to act wisely when helping others.
“How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple? How long will scoffers delight in their scoffing and fools hate knowledge?”